virtual cowork

Do It Day! (Member Virtual Event)

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  • Do It Day
     September 30, 2022
     12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

We all have those projects that are hanging over our heads. You know the ones.  The mundane, muddy, “I’d rather watch paint dry” projects.

BUT, often it’s those little business development tasks that are necessary to move forward.

So, here’s how we’ll make it a little more fun…

Let’s get together online for a virtual co-work. We’ll set some goals at the beginning of the call (I’ll post a worksheet to work on this to do PRIOR to jumping on the call). We’ll briefly share what we will plan to realistically accomplish in an hour. I’ll put on some music, and we’ll mute our mics. Then, you’re going to work your heart out for an hour before we regroup to celebrate our progress!

Boring work is more fun in the virtual company of supporters who are also pushing through their tasks!

See you on the call!





Do It Day! (Member Virtual Event)

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